Main Catalogue


We are excited to announce that our 2019/20 catalogue is now officially available.

Through 20 years, of constant enhancement and refinement, by Mario Maio and his team of experts, the product catalogue has transcended simply being a list of products supplied by ACDC Dynamics.

It has become an industry leading authority, and comprehensive guidebook for both customers and competitors alike. This copyrighted document is truly the pride of ACDC Dynamics.

We have made sure, that even though we have now gone over 1000 pages, the catalogue is easier to use than ever. As always the catalogue is available in hard copy if you would like to order one from a salesperson, or in digital copy on our website.

We want to do everything we can to make sure you get your hands on the results of all these years of knowledge and research, so that it can start helping you in your business as soon as possible.

Product added to your list
Product added to compare.